Can You Freeze Double Cream?

Double cream is a delicious addition to both sweet and savory dishes. You can simply pour it over strawberries or an apple or pumpkin pie. You can make it into a sweet creamy sauce or custard. Add it to a chocolate mousse or make a panna cotta with it. When it comes to savory dishes, use it when making quiche, macaroni cheese, as the sauce for lasagne or Dauphinoise potatoes, or in a creamy mushroom pasta (see also article on freezing ziti).

The question is, what do you do if you have too much and it isn’t going to last in the fridge? Can you freeze your leftovers? Well, you can, but it’s not the best item of food to freeze and we really don’t advise it as it will probably split when defrosted. However, if you are determined to give it a go, we’ll tell you what are the best ways to freeze double cream (see also How To Freeze Cream).

How To Freeze Double Cream

There are two different ways to freeze double cream. If you only have a little double cream to freeze, we suggest that you use the ice cube tray method. If you have a lot of double cream, you can freeze it in either freezer bags or plastic containers.

How To Freeze Double Cream in Ice Cube Trays

If you need just a tablespoon or two of double cream for a recipe, the best way is to freeze your double cream in an ice cube tray. Then you will be able to take out just as much as you need and not waste any. It does take a little time to do this, but it is worth the trouble. This is the way to do it.

1. Pour the cream into the ice cube tray.

The cream will expand so make sure that you leave a gap at the top of each slot.

2. Freeze.

Put the ice cube tray in the freezer for about three hours until the double cream has frozen.

3. Put the ice cubes in a freezer bag.

Once frozen, take the ice cube tray out of the freezer and put the cubes in a freezer bag. Make sure that you squeeze all the air out of the bag to stop freezer burn from occurring. Freezer burn will ruin the taste and the texture of the cream. Put a label on the bag with the date you put it in the freezer. You don’t want to keep it in the freezer for longer than you should. 

4. Put the freezer bag in the freezer.

How To Freeze Big Portions of Double Cream

If you plan to use a large portion of double cream in, say, a panna cotta or in a quiche, it is a good idea to freeze it in either a freezer bag or an airtight container. This is the way to do it.

1. Put the double cream in freezer bags or in an airtight container.

If you have a lot of cream, you may want to divide it into portions. Make sure that you put just as much as you need for one recipe in either the freezer bag or airtight container. In this way, you won’t waste any. Don’t fill either the bag or container completely as the cream will expand. If you are using a freezer bag, make sure that you squeeze all the air out so that freezer burn doesn’t occur. 

2. Label the freezer bag or airtight container.

It is a good idea to put a label on the bag or container so that you know when you put it in the freezer.

3. Freeze.

Can You Freeze Elmlea Double Cream?

Elmlea double cream is a 100% plant-based double cream alternative that can be used in the same way as dairy cream. It stays fresh for about twice as long as dairy cream so you might not have the need for freezing it. However, if you do, you need to be aware that the taste and texture will change in the same way as dairy cream does. To freeze it, you will need to follow the same instructions as for freezing dairy double cream.

Can You Freeze Extra-Thick Double Cream?

Yes, you can freeze extra thick double cream. In fact, it freezes slightly better than ordinary double cream. Just freeze it in the same way as double cream.

Can You Freeze Whipped Double Cream?

Yes, you can but because of the volume, you will need to freeze it in either freezer bags or an airtight container. Freezing whipped double cream does have advantages as it can avoid the grainy texture you often get when you freeze double cream. However, it might lose its airy texture.

Tips For Freezing Double Cream

  1. If you are using a freezer bag, ensure that you squeeze out all the air so that freezer burn doesn’t occur
  2. Use the defrosted double cream in dishes. It will be too gritty and grainy to pour over a dessert.
  3. If the defrosted double cream has split, give it a quick whisk so that it can regain some of its original texture.
  4. It’s not the best idea to freeze double cream, so if you can, avoid it. Buy smaller tubs of double cream if you can, so that you aren’t presented with the dilemma of whether to freeze the leftovers or throw them away.

For How Long Can You Freeze Double Cream?

Double cream doesn’t last for long in the freezer. The maximum time we recommend you keep the cream in the freezer is three weeks. After this time, it can become even grainier and will taste odd. It can even go completely off.

How Do You Defrost Double Cream?

The best way to defrost double cream is slowly in the fridge overnight. However, if you are using a cube of double cream in a stew such as beef stroganoff (see also Freezing Beef Stew), you can just throw the cube in. Don’t leave the cream to defrost at room temperature as if you leave it out for longer than two hours, it can start to spoil, and you could end up with food poisoning. If you have defrosted a bag or container of double cream, give it a mix so that it regains some of its texture. However, it will still be grainy. 

Can You Refreeze Double Cream? 

No, you should never refreeze double cream. It will already have lost taste and texture the first time around, and refreezing it will only make this worse when you come to defrost it. It is also a good idea to use your defrosted double cream within 24 hours. It can start to spoil after this time even if you have kept it in the fridge. 

Is It a Good Idea To Freeze Double Cream?

We don’t think that it is a particularly good idea to freeze double cream. The taste and texture will change, and it can separate. It certainly won’t be as delicious as before you put it in the freezer. However, if you just need a little cream for dishes, it is worth freezing double cream in an ice cube tray. You can then throw the cube into the casserole or stew and you won’t notice the imperfections so much. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Hopefully, you now know all there is to know about freezing double cream, but if you are interested in freezing cream in general, we have answered a couple of questions here.

Can you freeze single cream?

Yes, you can freeze single cream although it can go a little watery. However, despite this, it freezes better than double cream and it can be kept in the freezer for much longer; up to three months in fact. It can be frozen in the same ways as double cream. You can freeze it in an ice cube tray, a freezer bag, or an airtight container. 

Can you freeze clotted cream?

Unlike most types of cream, clotted cream freezes well, as long as you store it in an airtight container. In fact, you can store it for up to six months. Portion it out into smaller containers so that you only defrost as much as you need. Then you can enjoy scones, jam, and clotted cream for months ahead. 

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