Camembert is a popular French cheese. It has a furry white rind speckled with beige and a creamy pale interior which turns yellow as it matures. It is delicious served on a cheese board, it can be breaded and deep fried, or it can be baked so that you can dip fresh bread in it. Add it to fondu, a picnic loaf, or make a baked camembert pithivier.

However, you don’t want it going moldy at the back of the fridge so is there a way that you can store it for the long term? Well, you can freeze it but unfortunately, it doesn’t freeze that successfully. If you are determined to freeze your camembert, we will tell you how to do so and how to defrost it.
How To Freeze Camembert
1. Choose the camembert.
This is very important. You want to choose the best cheese possible, and you don’t want it to be too soft. If it is soft, leave it in the fridge for a few days so that it ripens. Check that it hasn’t got any dry patches or external cracks, and make sure that it hasn’t gone past its best-by date.
2. Divide the camembert into portions.
It is a good idea to slice the cheese into wedges so that you can take out only as many as you need and don’t end up having to throw some of the cheese away. An ideal weight for each wedge is seven ounces.
3. Individually wrap the wedges of camembert cheese.
First, wrap the wedges in aluminum foil and then in cling film There are two reasons for double wrapping. Firstly, it stops the wedges from sticking together when they are put in a freezer bag. Secondly, camembert is a smelly cheese, and wrapping it twice stops the smell from permeating the freezer. After all, you don’t want to eat ice cream tasting of cheese!
4. Put the wedges of camembert cheese in a freezer bag.
Squeeze out all the air from the freezer bag to ensure that freezer burn doesn’t occur. Freezer burn will ruin the taste and texture of your cheese. Put a label on the bag with the date and contents.
5. Freeze.
Be careful where in the freezer you put the cheese as it can easily get crushed.
Tips For Freezing Camembert Cheese
- Use a straw to suck out the air from the freezer bag. Almost close the bag, insert the straw, and suck. Fully close the bag quickly.
- Instead of a freezer bag, you can use an airtight container to store the wrapped wedges of camembert cheese. This will give extra protection against being crushed.
- Consider not freezing camembert at all as it doesn’t freeze well. You will notice quite a big change in the texture, and it will probably be dry and crumbly when defrosted.
- If you freeze camembert cheese, it is best not to eat it raw. Use it in a cooked dish such as a pie or an omelet.
- The sooner you use the camembert after you have put it in the freezer, the better it will taste.
For How Long Can You Freeze Camembert Cheese?
The longest you should keep camembert in the freezer is three months. After this time, the taste and texture will deteriorate rapidly. However, the sooner you use it the better it will be.
How Do You Defrost Camembert Cheese?
The best way to defrost camembert cheese is slowly and steadily. It will already have lost some taste and texture and if you defrost it quickly, it will lose more.
Take the wedges of cheese out of the freezer and put them in a dish (see also Is Freezing Crackers A Good Idea?). Put these in the fridge and leave them to defrost. They should be defrosted for a minimum of 24 hours but 48 hours is better.
Once the cheese is soft, carefully remove the wrapping, making sure that you don’t leave any foil stuck to the cheese.
If you are in a hurry, you can defrost the camembert in the microwave on the defrost setting. However, this isn’t ideal as you risk ruining the taste and texture even more. It is better to plan ahead and defrost the cheese in the fridge.
Once you have defrosted the camembert, use it as soon as possible as it will only last for three days in the fridge.
Can You Refreeze Camembert Cheese?
No, we don’t recommend refreezing camembert cheese. The texture will already have deteriorated with the first freeze and freezing it again will completely destroy it.
Is It a Good Idea to Freeze Camembert Cheese?
No, it isn’t the best idea to freeze camembert cheese. The texture deteriorates significantly when it is frozen. There is also a chance that the cheese will lose some of its flavors. It is much better to eat camembert cheese fresh.
However, if you want to use the camembert in a hot dish you won’t notice the change in texture as much. We suggest that you only freeze it if you want to serve it hot.
Frequently Asked Questions
Hopefully, you now know all there is to know about freezing camembert cheese but in case you are still curious, we have answered a few questions here.
Camembert cheese will last for around two weeks in the fridge although if you have frozen it, it will only last for about three days. Make sure that you loosely wrap the camembert in parchment paper, baking paper, or wax paper.
No, it isn’t a good idea to cook camembert from frozen as you may overcook the outside while the inside stays frozen. We suggest that you defrost it slowly in the fridge before you cook it.
We don’t recommend that you freeze cooked camembert as the texture will change dramatically and not for the better. When you defrost it and then reheat it, the texture will deteriorate even further.
Yes, breaded camembert can be frozen, and it freezes slightly better than simple camembert. It is best to flash-freeze it. Divide it into portions and place them on a lined baking tray. Make sure that the pieces aren’t touching. This ensures that they won’t stick together. When they have frozen solid, put them in a freezer bag, squeezing out the air to prevent freezer burn.
Pickled vegetables will add an acidic bite that cuts through the creamy texture of camembert. Sauteed oyster mushrooms pair well with the cheese, especially served with a buttered baguette. Olives are also a good choice.