Can You Freeze Clotted Cream?

Since you are on this page, you probably know what clotted cream is. Truth be told, not everyone knows this or uses clotted cream. The phrase might sound a bit weird to anyone who hasn’t tried this delicacy. What do you mean the cream is clotted? Well, yes, it’s clotted. Clotted cream, often also called Cornish cream or sometimes even ‘clouted’ cream, is one of the most unique dairy products. 

What makes clotted cream so special is exactly its texture. Although it’s made only from milk, this cream has a rich taste and a creamy consistency. In fact, it does not feel ‘clotted’ at all. This cream feels so smooth and velvety that you’ll have a feeling it’s melting in your mouth. As such, clotted cream is a great topping for various deserts and pretty much anything that has to do with fruit. 

Clotted cream is a pasteurized product made from full-fat cow milk. Traditionally, this thick cream was put into tea or spread on scones. However, the potential uses for clotted cream are really endless. However, there is one big problem: you can rarely use large amounts of clotted cream. Most recipes call just for a little bit. And what do you do then with all the leftover clotted cream? 

Is freezing clotted cream a good idea? What will come out of the freezer – delicious clotted cream or a weird mushy mass? What makes clotted cream so exquisite is exactly it’s texture. If you know anything about freezing food, you probably already know that dairy is not the best food to freeze. Texture changes are almost unavoidable. 

So what about clotted cream? Well, we have some good news. Clotted cream actually freezes better than most other dairy products. It’s shelf life can be extended by freezing and you’ll still be able to enjoy delicious cream out of the freezer. Don’t expect the cream to be exactly the same after throwing, though. Slight changes in texture are to be expected. Fresh clotted cream is definitely the best. However, thawed clotted cream from the freezer is definitely better than no clotted cream at all! 

Tips For Freezing Clotted Cream 

When it comes to freezing clotted cream, you’ll go through a different process depending on whether you want to freeze leftover clotted cream that’s out of the packaging, or clotted cream in still closed packaging. We start with the first one which is a bit more complicated. However, if you are looking to freeze unopened packages of clotted cream, scroll down to read our tips. 

Before we start, let’s go over some of the general rules for freezing clotted cream. The first one is: fresh is always better. In general, you’ll achieve better results if you freeze clotted cream that’s fresh. Don’t wait until it’s almost expired to freeze it. Of course, this is also an option if your clotted cream plans change, but if you already know you will freeze it, do it sooner rather than later. 

The other rule refers to the portions of clotted cream frozen. It’s usually better to freeze clotted cream in smaller portions. You want to be able to take as much clotted cream out of the freezer as you will use. The perfect portion size depends on your plans for the clotted cream. If you know you will need to use a large amount all at once go ahead and freeze it all in a single container. However, if you are unsure, freezing in multiple smaller portions is always better. 

Freezing Leftover Clotted Cream 

When freezing leftover clotted cream, all you need to do is transfer it to a freezer-safe (and airtight!) container. Choose your container so that it’s almost filled with cream – but not completely. There needs to be about 1 inch of space on top as the cream will expand when frozen. 

Freezing Whole Packs of Clotted Cream 

When it comes to whole packages of clotted cream, you can go ahead and just freeze them, except in one case. Cans. If your clotted cream coms in a can / any kind of tin packaging, you’ll want to transfer it into a freezer-safe container. 

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