Tzatziki is a delicious Greek dip that can be found in just about every taverna in Greece. It is served with freshly baked bread as a starter or with meat kebabs as a main course. It is made from Greek yogurt, garlic, olive oil, dill, cucumber, lemon juice, and salt and pepper. It can be a little fiddly to make as you have to grate and strain the cucumber, so is it a good idea to make it in bulk? Well, it only keeps in the fridge for a few days, so can you freeze it? The simple answer is yes, and in this article, we will be taking a look at how you can freeze tzatziki for the best results and how to defrost it.

How to Freeze Tzatziki
These are the steps you should follow to freeze tzatziki.
1. Divide up the tzatziki.
It is advisable to divide up the tzatziki into portions so that you only defrost as much as you need for a few days. Otherwise, you could end up throwing some away which is a waste of food.
2. Put the tzatziki into freezer-safe jars.
You can also put the tzatziki into airtight containers. Freezer bags aren’t a good idea as they can split. You might not realize it until it has defrosted in the fridge and has made a mess.
3. Wrap the jars in cling film.
It is a good idea to double or even triple wrap the jars or containers with cling film. Make sure that the cling film is wrapped tightly so that freezer burn doesn’t occur. Freezer burn doesn’t make food unsafe to eat, but the taste and texture will change, and it will be unsavory. Put a label on the jar or container with the date you put it in the freezer so that you don’t keep it in the freezer for too long. If you are freezing different dips, it’s also a good idea to put on the name of the dip so that you defrost the right one.
4. Freeze.
Tips For Freezing Tzatziki
- Grate and strain the cucumber. Don’t cut it into chunks. This is because cucumbers are 96% water and if you add chunks, the water will seep into the yogurt and the tzatziki will be watery when you come to defrost it. This step is a bit time-consuming, but it is well worth it.
- Tzatziki is a Greek dip so you should use Greek yogurt and it should be full-fat. This is because it has a lower water content than low-fat Greek yogurt. This stops the dip from becoming watery when it is frozen. This does, of course, come with the disadvantage of a higher calorie content, but it has so many other benefits. It is rich in important nutrients, benefits digestive health, strengthens your immune system, is good for bone health, and boosts metabolism. If you are worried about the calorie count, just don’t eat too much of it!
- Mix the dip once it has been defrosted as it might have gone a bit grainy during freezing. You can also add a spoonful or two of Greek yogurt which helps the dip retain its texture.

For How Long Can You Freeze Tzatziki?
Tzatziki is a dairy product that freezes for a long time. In fact, you can freeze it for up to three months. For best results, freeze it as soon as you can after you have made it. It will taste better than if you keep it in the fridge for a couple of days.
How Do You Defrost Tzatziki?
Don’t defrost your tzatziki on your countertop. It will probably take longer than two hours to defrost and after this time, bacteria can start to develop, and you could get food poisoning. The best thing to do is to put the frozen tzatziki in the fridge and leave it to defrost slowly overnight. When it has defrosted, give it a stir as it might have separated. Add more yogurt if the tzatziki looks a bit watery.
Can You Refreeze Tzatziki?
You can refreeze tzatziki, but we don’t recommend it. It won’t make you ill, but it will lose taste and texture. It will also become watery and you certainly won’t want to spread it on your freshly baked bread. To avoid having to refreeze tzatziki or, at worst, having to throw it away, freeze it in portion sizes. You need to freeze just as much as you think you will need for a few days. It will last in the fridge for around three days, so you have some leeway.
Is It a Good Idea To Freeze Tzatziki?
Yes, we think that it is. If you like tzatziki, we encourage you to make it in bulk and freeze it in portion sizes. It doesn’t change much in consistency and you can bring it back with a dollop of yogurt after you have defrosted it.
Frequently Asked Questions
Hopefully, you now know all there is to know about freezing tzatziki, but if you want to know more about freezing it and other dips, we have answered a couple of questions here.
Why does tzatziki separate when frozen?
This is because the fat separates from the rest of the yogurt. This is because the protein and minerals are the first to thaw. The water in the yogurt thaws later. This is why it is important to use full-fat Greek yogurt as this has a low water content. It doesn’t matter too much if your tzatziki splits a little as you can regain the original texture by adding more yogurt and mixing.
Can you freeze guacamole?
You may not think that you can freeze guacamole because avocados turn brown so quickly, but the good news is that you can. If you are making a big batch of guacamole, make sure that you divide it into portion sizes so that you only defrost as much as you need. To stop the guacamole from turning brown before you put it in the freezer, freeze it as soon as possible after you have made it. The good news is that you can freeze it for up to three months.