Tupperware containers are extremely useful. If you open packets of dried pasta or rice, you can keep them fresh in Tupperware containers. Put your leftovers in a Tupperware container and put them in the fridge for tomorrow.

Make a packed lunch for work and keep your sandwiches fresh. The reason that the food stays fresh is that Tupperware containers are airtight. However, can you put food in a Tupperware container and freeze it? The simple answer is yes, and in this article, we will take a look at the pros and cons of freezing food in Tupperware containers.
The Pros Of Freezing Food In Tupperware Containers
The most important thing to remember when freezing food is that it must be kept airtight. For example, if you are using a freezer bag, squeeze out all the air. If air gets to your food, freezer burn will probably occur.
This will ruin the taste and texture of your food, strip it of its nutrients, and, at worst, give you food poisoning. Most Tupperware containers are airtight. Always check that they have tight-fitting lids before you freeze the food. If you are unsure, you can always wrap a layer of cling film around the container as added protection.
Another benefit of Tupperware containers is that they are rigid so if you are freezing something delicate like fruit, cake, or dessert, they should stay intact. They are also useful for soups and stews. There is always a risk that a freezer bag may burst and make a mess in your freezer, so you want to avoid bags for liquids.
Because a Tupperware container is airtight, it will protect your food from odors from other food in the freezer. In the same way, food in a Tupperware container won’t emit odors. This is particularly important if you are freezing something like fish or curry which can be smelly.
Another advantage of Tupperware containers is that they are environmentally friendly. You can use them again and again and can probably keep them for years before you need to throw them away.
Freezer bags are made from plastic and will probably only be used once, hence encouraging plastic waste. Aluminum foil and cling film will also only be used once so that’s even more rubbish filling up landfills.
The Cons Of Freezing Food In Tupperware Containers
The only real drawback with Tupperware containers is that they take up more space in the freezer than freezer bags. By removing the excess air in freezer bags, they become even more reduced in size. If you have a small freezer, you may have to think twice about using Tupperware containers but we think that if you have the room, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.
Can You Freeze Meat In Tupperware Containers?
A great deal of care needs to be taken when freezing meat as it can spoil easily, and you could end up with food poisoning. An airtight Tupperware container should prevent this from happening.
A Tupperware container will also stop the meat from drying out and becoming chewy. You need to make sure that you purchase good-quality Tupperware containers with tight-sealing lids. The extra cost is well worth it in the end and remember that you can use the Tupperware for many years, so it is a good investment.
Can You Freeze Soup In Tupperware Containers?
Yes, freezing soups, as well as stews and sauces can be frozen in Tupperware containers. They are a better choice than freezer bags which may split.
It is a good idea to divide the soup or stew into meal-size portions and put them in separate Tupperware containers. In this way, you will only defrost as much as you need for one sitting and won’t have to throw any away. It isn’t a good idea to refreeze soup as the taste and texture will change.
Always leave a little room at the top of the Tupperware containers as the soup can expand when it is frozen.

Alternatives To Tupperware Containers
If you don’t have room for Tupperware containers in your freezer, you can use other methods but they may not be as fool-proof. These are some alternatives:
- Freezer bags. You can freeze just about anything in Ziplock freezer bags, even soup, but you do run the risk of the bags splitting and food odors permeating the freezer. Make sure that you buy strong bags so that you don’t have any problems with leaks. The advantage of freezer bags is that they don’t take up as much room in the freezer as do Tupperware containers.
- Silicone containers. They are similar to Tupperware except that they are made out of silicone, not plastic. Buy good-quality silicone containers so that they are airtight.
- Foil trays. They work well with prepared dishes such as chili or curry but they aren’t airtight so we would recommend that you don’t keep them in the freezer for too long.
- Vacuum-sealed bags. If you have a vacuum sealer, this option is better than anything else as they are guaranteed to keep your food airtight. However, they are expensive so if you don’t freeze a lot of items, it may not be worth your while to invest in one.
Frequently Asked Questions
Hopefully, you now know all there is to know about freezing in Tupperware containers but in case you have further questions, we have answered a couple here.
Yes, you can but ensure that they are airtight. As an added precaution, wrap the containers in cling film. The only problem is that cheaper containers may crack over time while Tupperware is much hardier. If you see a snowflake symbol on the base of your container, you will know that it is safe for freezing.
We wouldn’t recommend it unless it specifically says that it is microwavable. It is better to put it in a microwavable-safe bowl.
Freezing food in Tupperware containers is an excellent choice. Because they have tight-fitting lids, they protect food from freezer burn which can ruin the taste and texture of your food.