Can You Freeze Sour Cream?

Dairy in general is one of the trickiest food groups to preserve long-term. If you want to avoid food waste it can be difficult to figure out how to use up all the dairy before it expires. One of such products is sour cream. 

Sour cream (see also How To Freeze Buttermilk) is one of those products that most of us don’t eat every day, so finding ways to use it up when you have some left over can be difficult. And besides, you might just be having a tad too much sour cream on hand and wondering – can it be frozen? 

Well, you might also know that dairy products can be tricky to freeze. Due to the high fat and water contents, dairy products sometimes come out looking totally different after thawing. So what about sour cream? There is no short answer to this one. Sour cream (see also Freezing Creme Fraiche) is not the easiest thing to freeze, but it can work. Keep reading and we’ll show you a trick that you can use in order to preserve the original texture of sour cream after freezing.  

Freezing Sour Cream Step By Step 

1) Whip the Sour Cream

Yes, this is the key tip we have to give you: even if you are not used to doing it, whip the sour cream before freezing. You can do this using a mixer on the lowest setting (don’t overdo it) or you can do it by hand using a whisk. What this does is that it ensures the moisture is spread evenly throughout your cream. 

In most cases, this trick will prevent the cream from getting lumpy after thawing which is the biggest problem with freezing sour cream. The good news is that the sour cream will be safe to eat even if the texture is altered (happens more often when you don whip the sour cream before freezing) 

2) Transfer Into Air-Tight Containers 

Sour cream, just like everything you freeze, is best kept in airtight freezer-safe containers to preserve the flavours of the food. Simply transfer the whipped sour cream (see also Can You Freeze Whipped Cream) into the container of your choice. If you are using plastic freezer boxes, make sure to leave about an inch of space above the cream. The sour cream contains lots of water which means it will expand when frozen, so you’ll want to leave space for that. 

Alternatively, you can also use freezer bags to freeze your sour cream. 

3) Label and Freeze 

Once you are done packing the sourcream, all that’s left to do is label your containers. Do always do this, even if you think you’ll remember. The sour scream should be used up within the next 6 months for best results. 

How to Thaw Sour Cream 

The most effective method for thawing sour cream is removing it from the freezer and putting it into the fridge. Depending on the size of your container and the temperature in your fridge, the thawing process might take anywhere from 8 to 24 hours. This requires a bit of thinking ahead, but it’s really the best way to defrost frozen sourcream. 

Pro Tip: If your sour cream acquires a weird texture after thawing (it might appear lumpy or watery or both) try whipping the sour cream again (once it has completely thawed). This time, add a bit of cornstarch too – this will help restore the texture of the cream. 

Freezing Sour Cream Frequently Asked Questions

Can you freeze sour cream pastry? 

Yes, this is definitely doable. For best results, you’ll want to freeze the pastry before baking. In  a pinch, you can also freeze already baked sour cream pastry, but the texture might not be as nice the second time around. 

Can you freeze sour cream dip? 

Sour cream dips can definitely be frozen (see also Freezing Guacamole), and they will be safe to eat after thawing. However, the consistency of the dip might change. The result will heavily depend on the other ingredients contained in the dip too. 

In the worst case, your sour cream might end up separating causing it to be lumpy and watery. Sometimes you’ll be able to restore the texture to some extent by mixing the dip through thoroughly. You could also try adding a bit of fresh sour cream to perk up your dip or sauce. 

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